
Geoff - 2005-07-06 15:30:12
Wow your apartment is soo kewl! Very similar to how I imagine mine to be when I get one... Where is it...USA? Japan? Whever it've done a great job with a wee it!
angel - 2005-07-06 15:34:01
ooh yeah!! it looks awesome! so much better then mine :( you should come over to the states to go to the new IKEA with me and help me decorate mine ;)
reva - 2005-07-06 20:00:28
HOLY CRAP!! That IS Ikea!! I want that bed so bad I can see straight. I don't know how my husband would feel about it.. but MAN that would be so much fun!!! Does it feel like a sleepover every night?? I bet it would! Thanks so much for the pics, I'm lovin' it!
Nessa - 2005-07-23 09:58:13
Wow, we have like the same bedroom furniture.. xD I just love Ikea. =) Came here from your banner ad and I think I'll stay. Take care.

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