
le-fart - 2006-09-10 16:22:22
Dang, she�s a gas! (Hehe, if you say it that way)
wilberteets - 2006-09-10 17:23:54
This is like kitty porn for my male cat.
Tenshi - 2006-09-10 20:48:54
She's beautiful!! Is she deaf? I've heard cats with white fur and blue eyes are perpetually deaf.
Christine - 2006-09-11 07:13:57
Wonderful pics and the last one is really the shocker as I love her eyes in it. These are BEAUTIFUL and your talent continues to shine :) C.
angel - 2006-09-11 12:32:00
she is beautiful!!! Aww so sdorable and as always you are such an amazing photographer. I swear when I come out to Norway we're going to have a blast taking a bazillion pictures!
deflective - 2006-09-11 23:55:24
Okay, that cat is beautiful. I don't think I've seen a prettier cat. The one of her hiding behind the tree is adorable.
Lisbeth - 2006-09-13 10:54:46
Hi! The cat is mine, and she hears fine:-) White cats with deafness is genetic to dominant white cats, I think. THe vet checked her, she's not albino, just white:-) The pics are really great, so big thanks to cameragirl for the job:-)

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